In 1991 Colin Porteous, a musician and pilot, was looking for aviation software to run on his Psion Organiser. When he realised there was none available, he decided to write it himself.
Early applications included an electronic logbook, e6b utilities and EFIS flight planning software.
As new platforms came to the market, the software was ported to these new devices, including Windows Pocket PC and Windows Mobile and now the Apple iPhone.
The business has now expanded to offer bespoke software development for the iPhone, iPad and other mobile phones and handheld devices.
Recent bespoke projects include a puzzle game for the iPhone, an inventory cataloging program for estate agents and surveyors, and involvement in the development of contractor management software Salutis.
PleaseĀ contact us for more detailsĀ – as a small company and one with wide-ranging experience, we are able to offer a personal, flexible service.